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16 Pioneer Mid-West Student Aviator

Reportedly Daniel Kramer was a native of Freeport, Illinois, but information is lacking concerning the date and place of birth, his early life education. Before becoming interested in flying he was a professional trick cyclist at [[strikethrough]] Carnivals and Fairs [[/strikethrough]] carnivals and fairs.
Very early in 1911 Kramer bought a biplane built by E.K. Barnes and H.H Havens of Freeport, Illinois. It was a single-surface front-elevator Curtiss-type pusher biplane powered by a Boulevard engine. In March Kramer was trying to fly this plane at Freeport but was unable to get it off the ground. By mid-April he was making some straight away hops, followed by some turns, but about that time decided to ship his plane to Chicago and take some flying instruction at Chicago School of Aviation. In early May he was practicing at Chicago, then in early June he had his plane at the new Cicero flying field where he was flying quite well. On June 19th he made four good flights using a Harriman engine.
On June 22nd he was up again practicing circles and figure eights. After that he installed an experimental 16-cylinder Smith engine which soon because known as the [[strikethrough]] "HORNET'S NEST" [[/strikethrough]] "Hornet's Nest" because of its peculiar sound in the air. During the first days of July he made several extended flights away from the field and return, and announced he wanted fly for his pilot's. On July 4th there was a small
