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N.D., September 26-28 at the Olmsted County Fair at Rochester, Minn., and October 2-14 at the International Wheat Show at Wichita, Kansas.
On November 19-20, 1916 Miss Law made the big flight of her career. Without fanfare or previous publicity, she flew from Chicago to New York in the open Curtiss plane which she had been using for some time in looping exhibition work. It was equipped with a Curtiss OX engine and carried only 53 gallons of gas. A crude small streamlined shielding had been made around her feet and limbs as protection from the cold. This flight was a great personal achievement. With a marine compass and a strip map on rollers in a case but [[strikethrough]] no navigation accessories and [[/strikethrough]] lacking experience in cross-country flying, she established a new American distance record of 590 miles. Leaving Grant Park, Chicago, at 8:25 A.M. she flew by way of Gary, Indiana, Fort Clinton and Cleveland, Ohio, Erie, Pa., Olean, N.Y. and landed at Mronell, N.Y. at 2:10 P.M. She left Mornell at 3:24 P.M. and landed at Binhampton, N.Y. at 4:20, where she spent the night. Leaving there at 7:23 A.M. the next morning, she arrived at Governors Island, N.Y. at 9:37 A.M. November 20th and was met by a cheering group of civic and aviation dignitaries. After brief greeting ceremonies she went to the home of Mrs. Carl F. Hartman on Long Island where she had breakfast and was interviewed by press representatives.
Some mail and special messages had been carried on this flight, which broke the previous non-stop cross-county record of 452 miles made by Curtiss Co. pilot Victor Carlstrom on November 2, 1916, when he was forced to land at Erie, Pa., while also attempting a Chicago-to-New York flight. A reception was given in Miss Law's honor at the Aero Club of America on the afternoon of November 23d, where she received the compliments of many aviation authorities on her marvelous achievement. On the evening of December 2d a dinner was given in her honor at the Motel Waldorf in New York, which was attended by President and Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, several Cabinet members from Washington, ranking Army and Navy officers and many aviation dignitaries. She was also the center of interest at a night ceremony [[strikethrough]] attendant upon the [[/strikethrough]] illuminating of the Statue of Liberty for the first time, [[strikethrough]] while in New York giving about [[/strikethrough]] During a 20 minute flight of aerial gymnastics with her plane illuminated with the word "LIBERY", she circled [[strikethrough]] Flying about [[/strikethrough]] the Statue, [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] flew over the harbor, and around [[strikethrough]] she circled [[/strikethrough]] the Yacht MAYFLOWER bearing the President and Mrs. Wilson. On December 18th a dinner was given in her