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honor by the New York Civic Forum at the Hotel Astor.
In January, 1917 Miss Law sailed for Europe to study aviation there for six or eight weeks. In April she was back and directly after America's declaration of war, offered her services to the Government. During May she did recruiting duty for the Government in Chicago, and in June she dropped Libery Loan leaflets on several mid-wester cities. Early in July a huge crowd saw her [[strikethrough]] perform and [[/strikethrough]] race Miss Elfrida Mais at the Fair Grounds in St. Paul, Minnesota. On September 28, 1917 she set a new women's altitude record of 14, 700 feet at Peoria, Illinois, then in mid-October she gave a series of exhibitions for the soldiers at Camp McClellan, Alabama. In November she was in Washington, D.C. attempting to get a commission, but was turned down, so she gave a series of exhibition flights there in an effort to persuade members of Congress to consider her request to enter the Air Service, but they, too, ruled against it because she was a woman.
During May, 1918 she gave a series of exhibitions at mid-Western cities in the interest of the Red Cross campaign. On May 30th she raced Katherine Stinson at Sheepshead Bay, New York. During the war to aid the Liberty Loan drives in several cities she did some flying at night, with the world "LIBERTY" outlined in lights on her plane. [[strikethrough]] at various points to aid the Loan Drives.[[/strikethrough]]
After the war she traveled in Japan, China and the Philippine Islands, and there, in April, 1919 carried the first air mail at Manila and was given an award for her achievement. In February, 1920 she signed up with stunt pilot Al Wilson to give exhibitions with his troupe for the season.
In 1922 she retired from flying, to live in retirement as Mrs. Charles Oliver in Beverly Hills, California. Hers was a brilliant career in pioneer flying, richly deserving of great credit for her courage and daring. She, like Katherine Stinson, was determined to prove that she, too, could do anything the men could. [[strikethrough]] and did[[/strikethrough]] Her name appears on the Memorial Plaque at Governors Island, New York with those of the other flying pioneers who made [[strikethrough]] landings [[/strikethrough]] flights there during the early days of aviation. She was a member of the Early Birds.
Ruth Law Oliver passed away December 1st, 1970 in San Francisco, at age 83. Burial was in Lynn, Massachusetts, her birthplace.