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At about this time McCurdy decided to give up the Canadian venture and joined the early Curtiss Exhibition Team, flying a Curtiss 4-cylinder [[margin]] ✓ [[/margin]] airplane. July 23rd to 27th he flew at Omaha, Nebraska, with Curtiss, Mars, and Ely. He then flew alone at a state fair in Lexington, Kentucky, August 7th to 13th, following which he was at an air meet at Sheepshead Bay, New York, August 19th to 21st with Curtiss, Mars, Ely and Willard. There between August 20th and 27th McCurdy made a "first" in history when he transmitted wireless messages in code from his plane in flight, to H. M. Horton, some five miles away on the ground. McCurdy was an expert telegraphist; Horton's sending set, weighing 25 pounds, was installed in the plane behind the seat.
Later that month McCurdy assisted in preparations for the flights [[margin]] ✓ [[/margin]] Curtiss made over Lake Erie at Cleveland, Ohio. On August 31, 1910, Curtiss flew from Euclid Beach, Cleveland, to Cedar Point, Ohio, then returned the next day. They were honored guests at a banquet given by the Aero Club of Cleveland. McCurdy flew at the New York State Fair at Syracuse on September 12th, then at Allentown, Pennsylvania, September 20th to 24th with Curtiss. October 1st to 9th McCurdy flew at the Hawthorne Race Track, Chicago, with Curtiss, Ely, Willard, and Augustus Post in a meet sponsored by the Chicago Post. He was next a contestant at the Belmont Park meet on Long Island October 22nd to 30th and while there became a member of the Aero Club of America.
McCurdy then started working southward for the winter and flew at Raleigh, North Carolina, November 16th and 17th; Mobile, Alabama, November 21st to 27th; and Jackson, Mississippi, November 28th and 29th. New Orleans, Louisiana, was the next stop December 1st and 2nd with Ely, Ward and Post, then he was at Columbia, South Carolina, December 7th and 8th with Ward. December 15th to 18th he flew at Atlanta, Georgia, with Ely and Ward, then on the 21st he was at Dillon, South Carolina, and the 23rd at Norfolk,