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for many years. He also organized and maintained the Glenn E. Messer Company of Birmingham, operating a certified flying instrument service and carrying a complete line of aircraft supplies. He owned a Cessna-180 airplane which he used for business and pleasure. He held the Federal Aviation Administration commercial pilot license number 142, and mechanics license 2-C, 145. He was a founder-member of the Early Birds of Aviation, twice President of that distinguished group of pioneer pilots, and always active. His home is in Birmingham. 

Flying pioneer Glenn E. Messer has devoted his entire active lifetime to aviation, starting during the very early era and engage[[strikethrough]]ed[[/strikethrough]]ing in all phases of flying from the first primitive airplanes to latter day jets and helicopters. He had intended to give up flying as soon as he completed his education but the lure of the air drew him irresistably to make it his life work. He deserves great credit for his many important and safe advancements in aviation.