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Parmelee was an active contestant in most events and won some firsts. On December 26th he was up to 6,625 feet in a new Wright plane, a single seat [[strikethrough]] Wright [[/strikethrough]] Roadster. From there he went to the San Francisco Meet, held at Selfridge Field January 7 [[strikethrough]] th [[/strikethrough]] to 25 [[strikethorugh]] th [[/strikethrough]], 1911. [[strikethrough]] Flying there also were [[/strikethrough]] Brookins, Beachey, Ely, Wiseman and Radley were also flying there. This meet was somewhat [[strikethrough]] of a [[/strikethrough]] military [[strikethrough]] nature [[/strikethrough]] and Parmelee made a number of flights carrying Army officers on experimental military exercises. During the meet Parmelee carried Lt. Myron Crissley of the U.S Coast Artillery on several bomb dropping tests. Live bombs, weighing about 12 pounds, were used and the tests were highly effective and surprisingly accurate. This was undoubtedly the first time live bombs were ever dropped from an [[strikethrough]] aeroplane [[/strikethrough]] airplane. On January 22nd Parmelee broke the American Endurance Record when he remained aloft for [[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strikethrough]] three hours and [[strikethrough]] , 39 [[/strikethrough]] thirty nine minutes to win a $5,000 prize.

In February Parmelee was sent to the Army Base at Ft. Sam Houston, San Antonio, Texas where Lt. Benjamin Foulois had been flying the Army's first airplane, similar to the Wright Type A. Parmelee was to demonstrate the [[strikethrough]] use of a [[/strikethrough]] Type B Wright plane before army officers and [[strikethrough]] carry out [[/strikethrough]] perform aerial exercises. The plane he used was [[strikethrough]] loaned [[/strikethrough]] lent to the Army by Robert J. Collier of New York who was then President of the Aero Club of America. His purchase of this airplane from the Wright Company had been the Wright brothers' first commercial sale to an [[strikethrough]] person [[/strikethrough]] individual. Flying began about the end of February and continued past mid-March, and Parmelee and Foulois carried out many aerial exercise missions, wireless experiments and photographic tests. On March 3rd he [[strikethrough]] carried Lt. B.D. [[/strikethrough]] Lt. Foulois flew from Laredo to Eagle Pass, Texas, over 106 miles of uninhabited territory in [[strikethrough]] 2 [[/strikethrough]] two hours [[strikethrough]] 10 [[/strikethrough]] and ten minutes, with the plane loaded to 1,400 pounds. On this flight there was no possible landing place except the Rio Grande River for practically the entire distance. The return flight was made March 7th with an additional load of 50 pounds - a wireless set. During his stay at the base Parmelee also gave Lt. Foulois some additional instruction and a number of other officers their first ride.

April 5th to 12th Parmelee flew at Salt Lake City with Brookins, Curtiss, and Willard. May 29th to June 3rd he flew in a meet at the Driving Park, Columbus, Ohio, with Earle Ovington, Tom Baldwin and Tom Sopwith. The planes were housed in a tent and one night a bad storm raised havoc, [[strikethrough]] somewhat [[/strikethrough]] damaging the planes. On July 25th [[strikethrough]] he [[/strikethrough]] Parmelee flew at Grand Forks, North Dakota, at a local fair, then August 1st to 4th he was at Colorado Springs [[strikethrough]] , Colorado [[/strikethrough]] with Turpin. They then went to Chicago where Parmelee