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He was a very alert and apt pupil and on June 22d flew his tests for pilot license and was granted F.A.I. Certificate No. 141 on June 22d, 1912 at Mineola, flying a Baldwin pusher biplane with a Hall-Scott engine. At once Baldwin took Peoli out on an exhibition engagement at Oswego, New York on July 4th, then he returned to Mineola where [[strikethrough]] he [[/strikethrough]] Peoli continued practice. 

On July 20th he had a minor smashup at Mineola when his rudder jammed on take-off, but he was not injured. August 1st Peoli started a one-week exhibition engagement at Barrie, Ontario, Canada with Captain Baldwin, and on August 20th Peoli and Horace Kimmerle flew a Findley, Ohio. During August and September Kimmerle was also flying for Baldwin and filled several engagements with Peoli during those months. September 2d to 6th they flew at a Canadian Exposition at Saint John, Nova Scotia. There Peoli flew every day and carried two passengers, Horace Porter, Secretary of the Exposition, and J. J. Marshall, of the Saint John [[strikethrough]] TELEGRAPH [[/strikethrough]] Telegraph. On October 4th Peoli made several flights at Milton, Pennsylvania then on October 17th he was at Shelbyville, Illinois. On November 5th he flew [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] in an aviation meet at Oakwood Heights, Staten Island, with George Beatty, H. B. Brown, George Dyott, Horace Kimmerle and Ruth Law. Peoli made several fine flights there and took his mother for a ride. Following this he returned to Mineola and continued his practice. On Christmas Day he flew as an aerial Santa Claus at Fletchers Field, Montreal, Canada during an engagement there. 

As 1912 ended Peoli had, in a few months, made quite a name for himself in aviation. He had induced Baldwin to abandon the front elevator on his machines, had redesigned the tail section to be more effective and had an accident-free active exhibition season of flying. 

On Decoration Day, 1913 Peoli flew at a spring aviation meet at Oakwood Heights, Staten Island. The event lasted three days and he made a number of fine flights. That spring Baldwin made two new planes embodying a number of new features designed by Peoli. On June 30-July 1 Peoli flew at Berrie, Ontario, Canada, then on July 4th he was at Lanark, Ontario, Canada. Starting September 22d he flew five days at a fair in Ogdensburg, New York.