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Schroeder held Transport License No. 6988, was a member of the Early Birds, Aero Club of Illinois, the Chicago Air Board, the Adventures Club, American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the American Legion.

Flying Pioneer,[[strikethrough]] Early Bird [[/strikethrough]] Rudolph W. Schroeder was indeed one of the early [[strikethrough]] GREATS [[/strikethrough]] "Greats" of American aviation history. Expert mechanic and aviator, he made many [[strikethrough]] worthy [[/strikethrough]] important contributions to the progress of aviation [[strikethrough]] development]] [[/strikethrough]]. While in the Service he gained world-wide recognition and everlasting fame for his high altitude flying.

First to fly a plane equipped with a supercharged engine, his early record of altitude tests paved the way for modern transport aviation. In all his extensive career of test flying he never had a crash of any serious consequence. A pleasant, likable man, he was widely known and highly respected everywhere.