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In 1925 Shaw was associated with Ford, and placed in charge of the new Ford Airport at Dearborn, Michigan. In that capacity he was also connected with the Stout Airlines Corporations and in charge of ground operations.

In 1927 Shaw formed [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] B.R. Shaw and Company in St. Louis, [[strikethrough]]Missouri as [[/strikethrough]] furnishing airport engineers, surveys, construction, and supervision. [[strikethrough]] where [[/strikethrough]] For several years he filled major contracts and built a number of airports about the country.

In 1938 he went with the Washington Institute of Technology at Washington, D.C. as Vice-President in charge of their Manufacturing Division, where he re-mained for some time. There he also became Vice-President of the Morris Plan Bank.

In 1942 Shaw entered military service and through World War II served in the Ordnance Department, advancing to Lieutenant Colonel.

After the war he moved to Oak Park, Illinois and in retirement engaged in magic, and formed a company, The Mazda Magic Company, to make magic equipment.

He remained in Illinois until early 1961 when he moved to Florida where he planned to live at Gulfport, but following an unexpected illness he passed away in a St. Petersburg hospital on March 13, 1961, at age 67, survived by his wife. 
Burial was in Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia. He was a member of the Early Birds, the QB's, Lions Club, and several golf and social organizations. 

[[strikethrough]] Early Bird,[[/strikethrough]] Flying Pioneer B. Russell Shaw devoted the major part of his active lifetime to aviation, as an early plane builder, self-taught aviator, and went on to serve the [[strikethrough]] history[[/strikethrough]] progress of the industry in various capacities in his later years. His attempts to establish aircraft manufacturing firms were pre-mature, but it must be recorded that he tried and made diligent efforts to succeed.