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[[strikethrough]]In the same[[/strikethrough]] class, [[strikethrough]]were[[/strikethrough]]Louis Gertson, A. Parla, Frank Seidel and R. Marti. Tait completed his course and was flying [[strikethrough]]well[[/strikethrough]] capably when it became necessary for him to return to Indiana due to serious illness in his family.
He wanted to buy a plane and obtain his license, and intended to return to Hammondsport, however during the summer he decided to preferred a Thomas Brothers plane, so during the fall of 1912 he went to Bath, New York, where he took more instruction, on [[strikethrough]]their[[/strikethrough]] Thomas airplanes, and purchased a Thomas [[crossed-out]]model[[/crossed-out]] Type AX machine for exhibition purposes. At Bath, Tait obtained F.A.I Pilot License No. 184, dated November 6, 1912, flying a Thomas pusher biplane with a 6-cylinder 50 hp, Kirkham engine. His new plane was shipped to Indiana he began to make plans for exhibitions during the 1913 season.
In the spring of 1913 Tait began flying his plane at Anderson and on May 10th made exhibition flights at New Castle, Indiana, for the Retail Merchants Association. On Decoration Day he flew at Kansas City, Missouri, with R. M. McMillen, J.H. Worden and William Evans. There is evidence that Tait continued to fly some that season and made exhibition flights at Anderson during a Labor Day Celebration. [[crossed-out]]that full.[[/crossed-out]]
Injuries at Anderson have disclosed that Tait continued to live there for several years, then moved away [[crossed-out]]and as of this date it has not been possible to learn what became of him[[/crossed-out]] but further information about him as not available.