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and he attended major flying events wherever and whenever possible. He [[strikethrough]] was presented [[/strikethrough]] saw Wilbur Wright make the flight from Governors Island to Grant's Tomb and return in late September, 1909. He also attended the [[strikethrough]] FIRST [[/strikethrough]] first air meet of public exhibitions by the Wright TEam of Aviators at Indianapolis, Indiana, June 13 [[strikethrough]] th [[/strikethrough]] through the 18 [[strikethrough]] th [[/strikethrough]], 1910. At that event were Brookins, Welsh Hoxsey, Johnstone and LaChappelle, and there on June 14th Frank Coffyn made his first solo flight. Orville Wright also flew, carrying Carl Fisher and A. B. Lambert as passengers. During this time Wald furthered his education by taking an engineer-ing night school course at Pratt Institute, Brooklyn. In the fall of 1910 he became one of the founder members of the Brooklyn Aero Club and remained an officer of this organization through 1912. 
     In the spring of 1912 Wald decided to learn to fly and enrolled in the Wright Flying School at Dayton about April 1st. There he had his first flying lesson on April 12th from Instructor Al Welsh. In the same class were William Kabitsky, Grover Bergdoll, and John Klocker. Wald continued instruction through May, weather permitting, and made his first solo flight on June 27th. The next day Orville Wright rode with him on two flights as a passenger to check him out "as a graduate student". While in Dayton as a student Wald attended the funeral of Wilbur Wright as a member of the group of close personal friends. After com-pleting instruction Wald remained [[strikethrough]] on [[/strikethrough]] at Dayton and continued to practice  [[strikethrough]] into [[/strikethrough]] until [[strikethrough]] during [[/strikethrough]] July when the Wright Company decided to take him into the organization and placed him in charge of a [[strikethrough]] company [[/strikethrough]] demonstration agency at Glen Head, Long Island, using a Wright Model G on floats, with a 6-cylinder Wright engine. This [[strikethrough]] The [[/strikethrough]] branch was establish-ed to promote interest in water flying among Long Island yachtmen. Demonstrations were arranged at various yacht clubs and passengers were carried. [[strikethrough]] in a general plan to sell water flying to wealthy sportsmen [[/strikethrough]] A hangar was built at water's edge, com-plete with launching ramp, and flight operations started in August With Wald as Pilot-in-Charge of operations. During this time he made several notable flights including one from Glen Head to New Rochelle and return on September 21st. On

Transcription Notes:
I'm not so sure about the symbol in the second paragraph, the fourth line next to "instruction". I'm also not sure whether the second symbol is an "&" symbol, the letter "E", or something else I'm not familiar with. It looks more like an annotation than part of the document.