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engagement of the new Wright student group was to be held at the Indianapolis Motor Speadway June 13th to 18th and everyone was in a rush to be as ready as possible for the event. The managers of the Speedway were anxious to advertise their new auto-racing facility by adding the novelty of even-newer aviation. The Wright Company had five planes for their exhibition debut, and with very little previous flying experience Welsh, Brookins, Hoxsey, Johnstone, Coffyn and LaChapelle all made flights with very successful first showing for new pilots. Over 30 flights were made without accidents, and Orville Wright also made several flights carrying distinguished passengers. When the show started on June 13th Welsh and Brookins were both in the air at once, carrying passengers for 12 minutes. Throughout the event Welsh continued to do his full share to entertain the crowds. 
On July 2nd to 7th Welsh flew at Aurora, Illinois, alone. On the 5th, during a 20 minute flight, he had a forced landing in an oats field. After correcting the trouble the starting catapult tower and track was brought to the airplane and assembled but on leaving the rail one wing hit the ground damaging the plane slightly. On July 7th he made a fine fifty-five minute flight. He had been plagued by bad weather, so he stayed at Aurora for two extra days to satisfy the public.  Welsh taught Parmelee and Turpin during July and August with some assistance from Brookins. On September 5th to 10th he was at Minneapolis, Minnesota, where he had a difficult assignment to fly out of a very small area inside a racetrack surrounded by obstructions. He tried to fulfill the contract but after some flying had a smashup in landing which put his plane out of commission, but fortunately he was not injured.  Hoxsey came from Lincoln, Nebraska, with another plane to complete the engagement.
On October 8th to 18th Welsh flew at an air meet at Kinlock Park, St. Louis, Missouri. Also flying there were: Wright pilots Brookins,Hoxsey, Turpin, Parmelee, and JOhnston, and at that time Hoxsey gained national publicity when he took Ex-President Theodore Roosevelt for a ride. Welsh made a fine showing and was in the air a total of sixteen hours and thirteen minutes during the event.  On October 11th he won the James A. Blair Cup when he established a new American endurance record of three hours, and eleven minutes, covering 120 miles during the flight. After the