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The Secretary made the following report:

The twenty-third annual meeting was held on December 4, 1945. Nine members were present, and, acting as the Advisory Committee on the acceptance of works of art which had been offered to the National Collection of Fine Arts since the last meeting, the following works were recommended for acceptance:

1. Oil, The Woodland Way, by William Baxter Closson (1848-1926)
2. Oil, Portrait of George Catlin, by William Fisk, R.A. (1796-1872)
3. Miniature, Miss Clementine Dalcour in Mourning, by A. Margaretta Archambault.

The minutes of the previous annual meeting were submitted and adopted. A report of the operation of the National Collection of Fine Arts since the last meeting of the Commission was made by Acting Director Tolman.

There was discussion of the function of a number of committees that had been set up years ago and that for a long period had been inactive. On motion, all committees except the Executive Committee were abolished; new ones to be established as needed.

Resolutions upon the death of Mr. Adams were presented and adopted.

The resignation of Mr. Redfield as a member of the Commission was accepted with regret.

Consideration was given by the Commission to the filling of these two vacancies. To succeed Mr. Adams in the class of "Artists", the Commission voted to recommend to the Board of Regents the appointment of John Taylor Arms. To succeed Mr. Redfield, in the class of "Experts", the Commission voted to recommend the name of Eugene E. Speicher.
