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statements in sales literature as to the connection of the Institution with sales of the books. Under the procedure now in force complaints are relatively few.

Recently the publishers have brought up the question of authorizing editions in Spanish and Portuguese to be published in Mexico City on a royalty to be divided between the Smithsonian and the New York firm that holds the copyright. After investigation, the Secretary declined to authorize this as it did not appear practicable to control sales methods so as to protect the reputation of the Institution. The Mexican publishers who would prepare the translation and do the printing distribute their books through agencies in the principal capitals of Latin America, with varying business procedures. It appears dangerous to allow the name of the Smithsonian to be used so widely since it would be impracticable to check on a variety of agents operating over the vast area between Mexico and Argentina.

Sales during the past year have been excellent, $14,694.78 having been received as royalties for the first half of 1945, and the indication is that the amount for the second half of the year will approximate this sum. To date the Institution has received $402,151.96 of which $197,366.83 has been added to the endowment.


The Secretary reported that in the budget for the present year $5,000 had been added to the fund set aside for this event, making the present accumulation $20,000.

With the war at an end plans for the Centennial have now taken concrete form. There is planned a nation-wide radio broadcast, at which it is hoped that the President will speak, on the actual date when the 
