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A further vacancy created by the death of Mr. Roland S. Morris, Citizen Regent, exists.

The following Resolution relative to the death of the late Chancellor, Chief Justice Stone was passed by unanimous vote:

RESOLVED: That the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution has received with deep sorrow the announcement of the death on April 22, 1946, of the Chancellor of the Institution, Harlan Fiske Stone, Chief Justice of the United States:

RESOLVED: That the Board of Regents have no words to adequately express the sense of loss which the Institution and the country have suffered in the death of Mr. Chief Justice Stone, long the presiding officer of this Board, and deeply interested in our affairs; nor could word of theirs add to the admiration and regard in which men hold the memory of this great American:

RESOLVED: That these Resolutions be entered in the minutes of the Board, and that the Secretary be directed to transmit a copy to Mrs. Stone, with an expression of the sense of deep personal loss which the Regents feel at the death of the Chancellor.


The Secretary submitted his Annual Report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1946, including the Financial Report of the Executive Committee, in printed form, stating that copies had been sent to the Regents a few days ago and that other copies were before them at this meeting.

On motion, the Report was accepted.

The Annual Report of the United States National Museum for 1946 was also laid before the members at the meeting.
