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Mrs. Henry B. Bounetheau, by Henry B. Bounetheau
Henry DuPre Bounetheau, by Henry B. Bounetheau
Mme. Julia DuPre, by a French artist
Henry Gourdin, by Henry B. Bounetheau
Portrait of an Unknown Man, by Henry B. Bounetheau
Portrait of an Unknown Woman, by Henry B. Bounetheau
Subject and Artist Unknown
Napoleon as General, by Henry B. Bounetheau, after Sully, after Appiani
King Lear in the Storm, by Henry B. Bounetheau, after Gilbert Stuart
Henry B. Bounetheau’s Aunt, by Edward Greene Malbone 
Subject and Artist Unknown
Frances June Kemble, by Henry B. Bounetheau, after Sully
Gen. George Washington, by Henry B. Bounetheau, after the Trumbull at Charleston, S.C.
Napoleon Bonaparte, by Henry B. Bounetheau, after Favre
Unmasked, by Henry B. Bounetheau
Sleeping Beauty, by Henry B. Bounetheau
Silver Medal Awarded to Mr. Bounetheau for the best miniature on ivory by the South Carolina Institute
Oil, A Morning in Summer, by Leonard Ochtman, N.A. (1854-1934). Henry Ward Ranger Bequest.

On motion, the above works were accepted for the National Collection of Fine Arts.

The minutes of the previous annual meeting were submitted and accepted. A report of the operation of the National Collection of Fine Arts had been circulated to the members of the Commission prior to this meeting and was summarized at the meeting. On motion, the report was accepted.

The resignations of Mr. Ayres and Mr. Mather as members of the Commission were accepted with regret. 

Consideration was given by the Commission to the filling of the two vacancies. To succeed Mr. Ayres in the class of “Artists,” the
