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RESOLVED: That the Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, if, and when, officers and members of the Smithsonian Institution paid from the trust funds are placed under the Federal Retirement System, approve in principle the use of the funds now held in the Smithsonian Retirement Fund for the benefit of the employees in question, to secure for said employees the maximum protection under the Federal Retirement Act to which their length of service in the Smithsonian Institution, respectively, entitles them; and that the Secretary be authorized to work out necessary plans to carry this into effect, with the approval of the Executive Committee, to which is given full power to act in this matter.

On motion, the above resolutions were approved in principle, with power to the Executive Committee and the Secretary to clarify the meaning. The statement above has been corrected to include such clarification.


The Secretary reported as follows:

At the last meeting of the Board, announcement was made of a distinguished committee to consider future policies for the Institution with the following membership:

Dr. William J. Robbins, Chairman
Dr. George Gaylord Simpson
Dr. L.P. Eisenhart
Dr. Zay Jefferies
Dr. Walter S. Adams
Dr. F. M. Reichelderfer
Dr. A. V. Kidder

This committee, except for Dr. Adams and Dr. Kidder who were unable to be present, met at the Institution on January 30, 1946, with


Transcription Notes:
Initials AW appear on the lower left side of the page (not transcribed).