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In the Astrophysical Observatory work continues for the Quartermaster Department of the Army on deterioration in textiles from the effects of light of various intensities. This work was begun at Camp Lee, Virginia, and similar investigations are being initiated now near Miami, Florida. The Observatory at Tyrone, New Mexico, has been closed and the apparatus there shipped to Florida for use in connection with this work.

The Division of Radiation and Organisms continues studies of light and other agents that affect plant growth. A recent discovery is that a type of varnish used in finishing wooden growth chambers checks completely the development of seeds at an early stage of germination. Studies are under way to determine the nature of the volatile substance produced by the varnish that has this physical effect, which may be of considerable value both in experimentation and in practical plant culture.

The Institute of Social Anthropology under the Bureau of American Ethnology continues its work as a part of the program of the Interdepartmental Committee on Scientific and Cultural Cooperation of the Department of State. At the present time, we have eight scientists stationed in Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru, where they are training local students of the countries in question in the methods of research in social science. Training is accomplished through classroom instruction, field investigation and the preparation of reports for publication. The program is financed by funds transferred from the Department of State--the budget for the fiscal year 1947 being set at present at $108,650.

Dr. Gordon R. Willey of the Bureau of American Ethnology was in 
