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In addition the costs of the following items have likewise increased by the percentage indicated:

[[3 column table]]

[[item]] | Estimated amount available for 1950 | Estimated increase in costs over 1949
Transportation | $51,000 | 8 percent
Printing & Supplies | $103,000 | 10 percent
Supplies & Equipment | $102,347 | 18 percent

Salaries of administrative officers in the federal service in the higher brackets are now under discussion since it is realized that these are now far out of line with current schedules outside.  The two assistant secretaries of the Smithsonian, both Civil Service career men, must be included in any proposals for increased pay that come before the Congress as their duties and responsibilities are fully commensurate with similar positions elsewhere.  We cannot expect to hold competent men unless our positions are comparable in pay to those of other agencies.


At 11:15 a.m., the Secretary and the Assistant Secretary withdrew, and the Board met in executive session to give consideration to the salary of the Secretary, should a bill now before Congress to raise salaries of administrative officers in the higher brackets throughout the federal service be passed.  It was considered proper, should Congress take this action, to arrange to adjust the Secretary's salary to a rate comparable to that of positions of similar responsibility in closely related fields.  After discussion the following resolution was passed:

RESOLVED: That the Executive Committee, with the approval of the Chancellor, be authorized to make appropriate adjustment with reference to the salary of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution.

The regular session was resumed at 11:35 a.m.
