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Smithsonian Institution 1292

To revoke the earlier resolution, and to confirm this action of the Executive Committee, the following resolution was passed unanimously:

WHEREAS, Additional conditions have arisen which make more burdensome the administration of the devise of premises No. 2951 Upton Street, N.W., to the Institution under the Will of Aleš Hrdlička, deceased, and

WHEREAS, It has been resolved by the Executive Committee of the Board of Regents that the Institution should renounce the said devise or resign as trustee, it is

RESOLVED, That the action of the Board of Regents in its resolution of January 18, 1946, authorizing acceptance of the said devise be and hereby is revoked.


The twenty-sixth annual meeting was held on December 7, 1948. Nine members were present and, acting as the advisory committee on the acceptance of works of art which had been offered to the National Collection of Fine Arts since the last meeting, recommended the following works for acceptance for the National Collection of Fine Arts:

Shell Cameo; offered by Miss Helen Munroe.

Ink on paper Scroll by Mr. Whang, Jang Har; offered as a token of friendship and gratitude to the American people from the epople [[people]] of Korea through the Korean Commission in Washington.

Ink and water color on paper, Tiger, by Mr. Whang, Jang Har; offered as a token of friendship and gratitude to the American people from the people of Korea through the Korean Commission.

Water color in ivory, miniature, My Uncle Charles, by Albert Colfs (1898-    ); offered by the Artist.

Water color on ivory, miniature, Robert Broome; offered by Miss Helen Munroe.
