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Institution, and the friendly consideration of Senator Carl Hayden, Chairman of the Committee on Rules and Administration, to the end that the Act passed the Senate, and was signed by the President on August 22, 1949.

This places these activities, some of which have been in operation for over 70 years, on firm legal basis where appropriations concerning them are not subject to a point of order.

The consideration of the Regents in the House and Senate has been greatly appreciated. 


The following report concerning the National Air Museum was made by the Secretary:

Public Law 722, 79th Congress, approved August 12, 1946, established under the Smithsonian Institution the National Air Museum, as a memorial to our developments in aviation, and as repository of important materials in this field, and instructed the Secretary of the Smithsonian, with the advice of an advisory board composed of the Commanding General of the Army Air Forces, the Chief of Naval Operations, and two citizens of the United States appointed by the President from civilian life, to investigate suitable lands and buildings for a site and to make recommendations to Congress.

In accordance with this Act, the aeronautical collections assembled for many years under the Smithsonian in Washington now constitute the National Air Museum. Additional materials gathered by the Air Forces under the direction of General Arnold, supplemented by materials from other sources, are now stored in a temporary building at Park Ridge, Illinois, near Chicago. Navy materials are stored at Norfolk, Virginia and still under the care of the Navy Department. Inventory of the Park Ridge collection was completed May 1, 1949, and the facility is now maintained by the Institution. A small technical staff is working over this material for necessary care and preservation, and for packing for safe and compact storage. The report required by the Act of establishment of the National Air Museum should be submitted during the present session of Congress.
