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Mr. Graf was designated to serve as secretary to the Special Committee. 

It was moved and seconded that this Special Committee report its findings to the Board at a special meeting to be held later in 1951 or at the next annual meeting whichever was more convenient, at which time the tenure of the Secretary would be given consideration. The motion was passed unanimously. It was further moved and seconded that the Special Committee would recommend appropriate conditions of retirement that would enable Dr. Wetmore to return to his scientific work. The motion was agreed to unanimously.

The Secretary expressed his sincere appreciation of the words of approbation that had been accorded him, and indicated his complete willingness to assist the Board in any manner.


The Secretary stated that the problem of the present Social Security Act as it might affect some of the trust fund employees was now under consideration, but that the matter had only come to attention a few days prior to the present meeting so that details affecting the Smithsonian were not yet clearly understood. To enable the Secretary to take necessary action which would be required before the Regents Meeting in 1952, the following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED: That subject to the subsequent investigation and approval of the Executive Committee the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution do hereby consent to the extension of the insurance system established by title II of the Social Security Act (Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Benefits) to service performed by such temporary and indefinite employees of the Smithsonian Institution paid from trust funds as the Secretary may designate; provided further
