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of January 11, 1940, setting the annual meeting for the second Friday after the first Monday in January. Dr. Fleming pointed out that the Board had a difficult problem in selecting meeting dates as it has six Congressional Regents who are under pressure on the adjournment of Congress to return to their homes. This would mean that one meeting should come in May or June. Senator Anderson suggested a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday as better week days than a Monday or Friday. There was further discussion of the value of additional meetings with a dinner speaker or speakers and no formal exhibits. Dr. Hunsaker mentioned the advantage of having the panel system used in universities. On motion by Senator Saltonstall, seconded by Dr. Greenewalt it was

VOTED that an informal dinner meeting be held in the second or third week in May to report on the progress of the work of the Institutions; the date and time to be set by the Executive Committee.


On motion, the meeting was adjourned at 12:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Leonard Carmichael
Leonard Carmichael

Transcription Notes: