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Mr. Fleming in his report had noted the receipt of the $500,000 check in advance of the settlement. Mr. Haskins, the remaining member of the Executive Committee, had concurred in the acceptance of the check for purchase of the Belmont property. The transaction should be completed by July 1, 1964. Mr. Greenewalt asked if it was certain that the transaction was legally proper and would not reflect on the Institution. Assurance was given that the property was well worth $500,000. Senator Saltonstall stated that his motion of acceptance of the Report of the Executive Committee, passed by the Board, covered the situation.

The Secretary reported that $300,000 have been added to the Smithsonian's 1965 appropriation by the House of Representatives and concurred in by the Senate Committee on Appropriations to finance the opening of four Smithsonian museums during the evening hours until 10:00 p.m. for the months of July and August this summer and April, May, and June of next spring. For the first time, the museums will be open to the public during the evenings.
The Secretary expressed the feeling that there is some danger to the buildings in the evenings in terms of vandalism and rowdyism. He then requested the Regents to consider at a future meeting the question of charging admission to the museums during the extra hours. A small admission fee might be warranted by the added service this provides for the public. Also, an admission charge would lessen the possibility of rowdyism, as those entering would have paid for the privilege of seeing the exhibits. The Secretary stated he was looking forward to a vital use of The Mall after hours, but the Smithsonian has precious