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Post Office Department,
Washington, Aug. 2, 1867

In reply to your letter of the 1st instant, I have to state that the distances, by shortest mail routes, between the undernamed places, are as follows. Several of the items might have been found in "Appleton's Railroad Guide, without application to this Office.

Harper's Ferry, W. Va, to "Charlestown" Jefferson Co. West Va. — 10 miles

Harper's Ferry, W. Va, to Martinsburg, W. Va. — 19 miles

Washington, D.C. to Harper's Ferry, W. Va. — 106 miles

Washington, D.C. to Port Tobacco, Md. — 35 miles

As to the distance between Annapolis, Md. and St. Leonard's Md, "via Baltimore, Maryland", we do not see how it can be stated in that way, as the "shortest mail route" between Annapolis & St Leonards is via Millersville, 73 miles, part of this mail service of 3 times a week, while the shortest [[strikethrough]] daily [[/strikethrough]] 6 times a week mail service is via Annapolis Junction,
