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Bangor Augt. 8th 1867

Genl. C H Howard
Washington, DC.

Dr Sir,

Your favor of 5th with enclosure as stated is at hand — I now return vouchers signd. in full for cargo of freight Sch Maryland — You will deduct from the ch you send me for freight the amt. due the vessel viz $696.09 — (balance fwd. [[?]] 953.09 — less [[?]] on B/L 250$ & Bill $7). You need not send me the ch for freight that I have advanced (viz $257) until you settle with Capt Green, unless you choose — but for the Lumber $3637.15 I should be pleased to have a check if convenient on NY or Boston. I cannot use on Washington without exchange. I trust the C. E [[Nellie?]] has arrived before this —

Very truly yours
J. B. Foster

I gave a note of introduction to Baldwin, to you. He is a fine young fellow, & if you can show him a little attention while he is there, I should bestow [[?]] a true [[son?]] —

Transcription Notes:
Whoever transcribed this deserves a medal! -- Beth Ditto what Beth said!! - Carrie