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will not be to meet me until 8:30. Don’t know hardly how I shall manage. The “little lady” says I can get a message-boy.”

Didn’t sleep very good last night. The “hot-box” (whatever that be) caught fire and was one of the things that so delayed us. There have been some odd people on the train ever since we started from Marion. They are from Nebraska, “The starved-out-state” as the old lady called it. Regular old farmers. “My husband” is a very knowing individual, who is coutinually trying to find a place to “change cars.” The old lady is quite anxious to have something to say, and is very afraid of getting left. (by the train.) The three children tried to enjoy last night with refreshing sleep; but their mother thought cold water equally as refreshing; and was making them move to change cars.

They are going East, to “his folks.” Left Neb. on account of “my husband’s poor health.” We decided that the big red-faced fellow did look exceedingly delicate. 

Later - As fore beautiful scenery. Along the Susquehannah. river is very wide here an island, hills beyond. Just passed between two mountains. River ran between them, was very wide and rippled surface. The Horseshoe Bend was grand. Around we went