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and carriage, at the gate.
We passed by there again yesterday, but they had a new interest for us. We had found that the church was “St. John’s Episcopal.” built for Madison, and attended by all the presidents prior to Lincoln.
The cottage beside it is a former home of Lord Ashburton.  Here also lived Sir Lyton Bulwer and his son and Sec'y. "Owen Meredith", now Lord Lytton, who began here that admirable poem "Lucille".

We also passed the "Arlington" where Sara Bernhardt is staying at present, and where Chas. Sumner was a former occupant.
[[left margin]] I am indebted to Mark for this swearing [[/left margin]]

Well I must hurry thro' with my Diary.

With but few misgivings or miserable forebodings did we, on the next Tuesday after I came fear my precious drawings o the school. Precious moments were those passed during the next day or two. Yet we little feared but that I should be admitted. At last the letter came. "Here is thy fate, Ollie" and Myra handed the letter to me. With trembling fingers I tore it open. I looked at the heading. I did not dare read the letter though, but glanced over it. My heart sank. Was I reading it right? I commenced and read it through. "I'm not admitted," I called to Myra who was in the kitchen. "What! not admitted! ph, I know better."

"Read for thyself." She grabbed the letter and read it, whilst I calmly looked my thousand stars in the face. "For Heaven's sake, what's