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was, I think, due to my not being admitted. And sure enough, there she sat. And, rising as we came in, she said (almost sweetly, I had to confess)"This is Miss Rush is it not?" She took my hand and bade us be seated. She was sorry it was so, but she could not go to her studio today. It was arranged that I should go alone on the next morning. She was very afraid that I should feel strange with the girls and asked me many times if I would let them frighten me. Wed. morning found me dreading a journey as I had never dreaded one before. I was to go by my self to 2904 P St. I hadn't the slightest idea where that was. The nearest car to our house is the one I took, and the Conductor told me he would take me "right there". How relieved I felt. On and on we went. "Transfer for Georgetown" was called. I was under the impression that G. was where I wanted to go, but the conductor surely knew. The first thing I knew I was at the end of the line. The conductor recognized his mistake, kindly gave me a transfer and put me on another car. Well I changed for G. The conductor [[strikethrough]] (at [[/strikethrough]] told me I was on the wrong car and sent me back. A policeman told me I was right before, and and aay I went, determined not to trust to another car..