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May 10

Dear folks,

So old Blimpy is a common "mud minnow"? He probably lived an unusually long and peaceful life, [[strikethrough]] sans mud [[/strikethrough]] missing his mud a little, and wondering at the spaces between worms; I bet that is why his eyesight was poor, ([[strikethrough]] if [[/strikethrough]] his species used to obscurity).

Sunday was beautiful here yesterday if not swimming weather. Did you go to Wailes Bluff? Dr Bequaert has never been in the Smithsonian before? I wonder what his efficient nature thinks of it; Chapin's appointment, [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] also?

Last night got quite fed up with staying at home and went with Meg Olden to hear the [[strikethrough]] annual [[/strikethrough]] Howard Chamber Orchestra at Sanders: they specialize in [[strikethrough]] unusual old and [[/strikethrough]] never-played old & new pieces. The conductor (Van Slyck) had written a surprisingly vigorous & competent sonatine (whatever that is) and the Mozart & Bach were very very [[strikethrough]] good [[/strikethrough]] enjoyable. Meg is [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] one of the most dynamic "intellectuals" about, and a girl adored by a whole group of Freshmen & Sophomores in Bertram whom she is trying to take with her low number into Gilman House: brand new & very comfortable (save in few rooms). She is very valuable on all subjects, plays the flute & reads Sophocles in Greek. By the way I have an additional summer reading list: all of Herodotus, Thucidides, Sophocles, & another (?) + commentaries: for exam in fall. Methinks I won't have time to do much else: not such a bad prospect. I wouldn't believe 'em when I was told Hist-Lit was the most difficult [[strikethrough]] major [[/strikethrough]] concentration. But it sounds worth it.

Dr. Myerson was very ill Sat., I discovered upon arrival. When [[strikethrough]] liv [[/strikethrough]] trying to live with Jean becomes unbearable I take one of his prescribed "peace of mind" pills: which are really efficient; I should not have been able to write this letter now without one. They are terribly expensive, but I feel peace of mind for a day is worth 15ยข. (I only bought 10 pills) [[strikethrough]] But really no [[/strikethrough]]  My resistence is very low at this time of the month.    It is becoming beautiful today, clouds eastward going, & apple tree full out before Bertram.
