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[[left margin]] MALF (OPS)
mtg with DPS malf people (Ernie, Andy, Terry) on proposed changes.  They proposed a list of SSR's (similar to our suggestions), and suggested reformatting the FPR's.  Several of the long-form malfs are being "tweaked" & will change.
Questions for Truly
•FD S/W initiated mem dump: this is a nominal procedure,& will be performed on flights in foreseeable future.  SSR on [[red circle]]ORB OPS C/L [[red circle]]
•proceedures for checking out a changed-out piece of HW (GPC, DEV, CRT, etc).  Should these be [[red circle]] SSR's [[red circle]] or in IFM (T had no strong preference...easiest place for DPS guys)
•FRP reformat: they'd like to put a matrix at beginning of proceedure, then print only those columns that change (with appropriate switch call-outs) & the final mx at the end.  
--> [[red circle]] T: would like to see reformatted FRP [[red circle]]. (Algate/Smith will produce one).
•long-form malfs: they propose [[red circle]] deleting [[red circle]] [[red arrow]] [[red pencil]] O.K. [[red pencil]] 5.1b + 5.1c.  Proc. now being created for PKT C/L which would replace this.  Crew opinion?