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Table 1 ROutine KSC Landing Concerns - Issue Overview

[[3 column table]]

Topic | Issue | Response

Weather Availability | KSC lighted opportunities not as frequent as EAFB.  Time spent waving off KSC is wasted turnaround time | Certain periods (mornings after sunrise) good at KSC, night weather also good

   |   | EAFB opportunities occur after KSC so waveoff available; however, EFB has wet lakebed runway availability problems in winter and wind forecast problems in spring/summer afternoons

Forecast Ability | KSC weather more difficult to forecast 90 minutes ahead | Tropical weather and night/day transition is difficult; other conditions can be forecast (midmorning, fall through spring days).

   |   | Conservative rules and forecasts result in no go for marginal weather

   | Insufficient tools available to make forecast | Tool upgrade to current state of art - MIDDS - forecasts are more conservative than necessary

Nosewheel Steering | Does not provide redundant control. Numerous single point failures. Nosewheel steering is mandatory to stay on the runway for the case of double tire failures. | Program in work (not funded) to upgrade to fail OPS/fail safe (proposed). The system is designed to be used to protect for high speed tire failures
   |   | Current system is fail passive 

KSC Runway Roughness | Causes high tire wear - increased risk of blowout | Placard crosswinds (proposed for RTLS)
