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Table 1 Continued

[[3 columned table]]
| Topic | Issue | Response |
| --- | --- | --- |

| KSC Runway Shoulders | Unsafe if Orbiter leaves runway | Rescue modes defined including water case. Fifty foot stabilized shoulders are present |

|   | Does not meet Air Force class B spec (1000 foot unobstructed) | Hazard not considered credible |

|   |   | KSC design not required to meet AF specification does meet intent for missed runway landings. |

| Energy Tolerance | EAFB offers more options | System design and demonstrated capability eliminate concern | 

| Brakes Failures | Significant damage occurs at less than rated energy | Consider downrating energy available in Flight Rules - issue in work, testing in work |

|   | Reduced confidence due to large number of failures/damage | Never have failed to stop Orbiter |

| Wheel Lockup | Blown tire could result in directional control problems | Direction control still available (differential braking and NWS), no cases identified which result in high speed lockup |

| Braking Procedures | Numerous complex and difficult to train because they [they] violate instinctive reactions and there is no high fidelity training device in the program | Complexity required to protect total braking capability |
