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Table 2 Routine EAFB Landing Concerns - Issue Overview

[[3 column table]]
| Topic | Issue | Response |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Cost | Program cost ~$1M + per flight + additional hardware if routine operation | Cost insignificant compare to safety |

|   | Turnaround flow is increased by 5 or 6 days | Improved turnaround with permanent based operation at EAFB (propsosed) |

|   |   | Allow for 5-6 days in flow schedule (proposed) |

|   | Disrupts personnel work schedule at KSC and VAFB | Establish permanent EAFB based capability (proposed) |

| Risk | Single string system (SCA, tail cone, etc.) - failure could stop program | Develop backup string or quick response recovery plan - purchase long lead items (proposed) |

|   | Increased handling risk (towing, lifting, etc.) could result in Orbiter damage | Procedure, placards handle these concerns |

|   | Turnaround flow increase may result from runway strength problems and weather delays - possibly up to additional week | Provide contingency time in vehicle flow (proposed) |

|   | Weather exposure risk to Orbiter TPS during ferry flights | Conservative weather and pathfinder reduce risk to acceptable level|

| Other | Payload equipment/tapes exposed to ferry environment | On case by case basis concerns have been handled adequately |

|   | Interruption to EDW traffic | Negotiate with Air Force | 
