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1. 51E (TDRS pulling off). Leak in 17" LH2 line - RI had vociferously said he wasn't going to give a "go" - didn't want to roll out to pad .... was ignored by NASA

2. OCT launch: in the count there was a pgm to checkout a late SW mod - a command was put in, then taken out improperly .... it left the AC mtrs armed (not found until ~L - 1 or 2)

2. Aug. Lockheed memo (Rocco saw, sent to Walt Williams) that implies LI was taking it own responsibility on changing parts/materials. 

4. Horace Lamberth (KSC) [[arrow to right]] OK guy, being overrun. 

Transcription Notes:
two words in #2, after " left the AC" uncertain.