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• puff of smoke: say if get blow-by past primary, sec. will seal..(no blow-by past sec). Consider black puff - could that have been blow-by past both...i.e. sec [underline]wasn't[/underline] in position to seal ∴ ↑ time of [[strikethrough]] blow-by [[/strikethrough]] erosion of primary


(ICE TEAM & USAF WX) (these are pre- & post - launch debris team

• added anti-freeze

• (drained H[[subscript]]2[[/subscript]]0 systems, trickled some H[[subscript]]2[[/subscript]]0 systems → resulted in ice

① Early: Results of investigation: sheet ice on FSS, MLP, ice ~ 1/2" thick in launch over pressure sys, icicles 6" → 12" long.

② T-3 hr hold: went out again (~2 hrs) w/facilities people to remove ice from troughs [ice had thickened]

traj calculations showed ice would hit on MLP ~20' from FSS - [[strikethrough]] not [[/strikethrough]] incl. "aspiration"

③ T-20 went out again to remove ice/debris from MLP. (34-36° ambient T)