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Arnie-(on ice)
•MMT = NASA/DOD team (large team, not all members always attend). Major problem listed at L-1 MMT was facility wx. "Freeze protection plan" put in process. 
Specifically asked for issues to be brought back.
0130→0300 ice team assessing facility. 
Had made full report. Went out again for normal T-3 hr inspection
•Engineering support in firing run 2, Downey, MER & HOSC (MSFC - on ET)
•0830 Colonna - reported eng. support was favorable for launch - wait for ice team.
•0900 mtg (outside firing room) (~20-30 people). Report by ice team (from their normal trip): ET ok; H20 ice gone from troughs; FSS: lots of ice below 255'. 
Lamberth: trajectories = no impact Colonna: same calculations in JSC phone call to Moder: same result (Lamberth & Colonna = falling ice not a problem)