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[bullet point with check mark] COHEN (verification of subject of meeting on 20 AUG)

[bullet point with check mark] HINNERS: make appt, verify mtgs

[bullet point] COLLADAY + ROSEN: phone #. Ask for briefing charts (budget briefing... pics not needed); set up more detailed briefing on CSTI

[bullet point] KS - get info + background on Paine Commission

[bullet point with check mark] CLH - ask about various groups (senior mgmt, advisory council [[side note]] Space Science Board [[/side note]])...... anyone to talk to in Houston?

[bullet point] GEORGE LEVIN - phone #, briefing charts

[bullet point] TERRELL = phone #

[bullet point] Al (info)=

[arrow before bullet point] Darryl = phone #; return books on study; get appendices on technology

[bullet point] Jerry Grey - call for info