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of me -- which he was very much at first: so we get down to work.  I have been investigating thru our house president the rules: one is not supposed to date one's tutor, & there are rules at Harvard too: so I shall keep up my end of respect for convention.  However I do not think our friendship - if it ever [[strikethrough]] really [[/strikethrough]] becomes that - will interfere with the thesis: I thought him interfering at first, but no longer, since I have begun to get ideas of my own.

By the way, Bill has a piano at last: in his room: it will begin to relieve his frustration in music: since his father composed he zealously avoided the instruments.

This is a busy, selfish letter.  Too bad about the calories!

Virginia! I am ever amazed how people hook up, your "landlady" being of the Museum & all.  I hope you enjoy the contents of the bottles about.  I wonder if my accent is showing.  I'm looking forward to seeing you at X-mas.
