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October 24, 1949 

Dear folks, 

Thanks for the Bach thing. I'm going to the first concert with Bill; he seemed glad = I called to tell him of the series. On the subject, this second madrigal society meeting was much better than the first -- (at which time I was 1/2 deaf, & tired): and we sang some beautiful Italian & English madrigals. "The Silver Swan" by Orlando Gibbons is one of the [[strikethrough]] most [[/strikethrough]] beautiful works of music. Choral music reached a never-surpassed height in England in the Renaissance -- & Italy, etc too: of technique & beauty: so I hear, & will learn in time. There is another English one, [[strikethrough]] pa [[/strikethrough]] that is extremely moving: "Death is a long, long sleep", sung in a round -- a great range of [[strikethrough]] notes [[/strikethrough]] (3 octaves) [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] long sustained notes. I must buy the book (1.50) some time, but can read off other people's for a few more weeks. 

Don't get Grandma's hopes up; how soon (in relation to frosts) do I