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- 2 - would enjoy it. I shall try to get a more exact recipe if you'd like to try, but perhaps it is too much of a bother at that. But you'd never be able to live without a protein, Dad -- you'd, as I, eat it raw soon: I took my one hamburg piece out before it was half done. Mother, if "The Black Narcissus" comes, please see it: it is a rare thing in movies, a tragi-comedy with real social satire & many character in pictures & a theme & all that: besides technicolor pictures of Tibet -- really a satisfying scene. I am glad the Mays are staying on to Feb. Shall you put out your artiste [[strikethrough]] fl [[/strikethrough]] flap soon? I hope Pattie gets you [[strikethrough]] out [[/strikethrough]] an excuse to do some more paintings in the fall. No, Mrs. B said not a thing on "It": now I have begun to surmise Grandma might have put the subject past discussion before I got home from Cambridge that day [[strikethrough]] sh [[/strikethrough]] Mrs [[?Borsived]]: she spoke of it several times to me before, to the effect that you certainly deserved it for all that work. She misses you an awful lot, I think Mrs B is hard on her nerves, as you suspected, some of the time -- at meals she looks glummer as she waits for openings at times. Well, all things shall be attended to Sat when I return - lawn, flowers, etc.