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[[paragraph symbol]] To Dr. J. C. Cox, of Sydney New South Wales, through Mr. Charles Hedley of the Australian Museum, we are indebted for alcoholic specimens of the remarkable Epphipodonta Macdougallii Tate, a bivalve related to Galeomina and on which an investigation of its anatomy may be based.

[[paragraph symbol]] Through Mr. Hugh Fulton of London by exchange and purchase a number of rarities not otherwise obtainable have been [[strikethrough]] obtained [[/strikethrough]] rec'd, [[strikethrough]] among which was is a [[/strikethrough]] including a fine specimen of the extremely rare Voluta aulica which formerly belonged to the Barclay collection.

[[paragraph symbol]] From Mr. I. Greegor, of Jacksonville, Florida, a number of interesting specimens have been received, mostly from Florida and the Antilles.