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piece of her mind, but instead she did a pretty good job of washing up and baking cakes and cookies and pie. And Ma said, "She always is sorry after she loses her temper so".... Maybe she was. There was money enough to carry them and left over besides the check he sent.

It is positively cold up here. We slept under 2 blankets and a comforter last night without being extra warm. Hope you are cool too.


Best regards to Dolores and Scottie.

Dear Doris,

As long as I wrote my card I will send it. It gives some info about our trip.

If the typewriter is there, as I suppose it must be, the thing to do is to get in touch with Julia, as mother directs, then carry the typewriter down to her on Wed. or Thurs. so the Sharon girls can get it in time to start off with it on Sat. You will have to take it up to Julia's room on the 3d [[3rd]] floor in the Museum, and will have to explain to the guard at the door before he will let you go up with it. Better take a street car along Penna. Ave., get off at 10th, and enter by north door.
