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January 1
1978 - Sunday - 17º at 7AM - Partly cloudy - cloudy all day and cold - felt like snow

To 930 Mass at Ridgeberry School. After to Eileen's for noon dinner. Her house loaded with poinsettias given her by Bailey's.  Home at 4:30  Snow started at 6 o'clock.

1979. Monday - 48º at 7 AM - Rain during night. To 10 o'clock Mass at New Church - some light rain during day and fog, as temperature rose - 52º at bedtime.

To Jule's for a drink  2 to 4 pm. Mary Lee Canada - Vargas - Castle's and Alice's Mother.

1980. Tuesday - 16º at 6:15 - We thank God to be starting another year in good health. [[? Hobbie]] for a time. I worked on skirt and blouse that compliments my quilted vest. After his shop hour Wes took down two maples near Rock Creek - bringing wood to the old shed to season. I removed lights from outdoor tree - (small Alberta spruce): With Alex & Helen saw Kramer vs Kramer - Very good movie. Danbury Shopping Mall.

1981 - Thursday - 18º at 8AM. Cloudy - dreary day Quiet day. Thank God for good health - a lot of aches and stiffness to be sure.
Hobbies - rewrote some pages in address book. Put aside some cook books for give- aways. Watched Notre Dame vs Georgia - Notre Dame lost.

1982 - Friday - 37º at 7:45. Raining. Sun 7:20/4:39 Rained all day. Wes worked in shop. I finished putting Lesboil on rest of tile window sills and at front entrance. Did mending job on bathrobe.
Watched movie "Charade" on TV. Lonely quiet day  Martruda for lunch. Thanked God for starting another year in good health.