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April 15

1978 - Saturday - 30° at 6 AM. To 7:30 Mass. Cleaned house. Wes worked on "Ponds" sign - finished lettering on second side and cut out one duck.
I prepared for dinner - going out only once in afternoon to water a few bushes and bulbs - very windy and unpleasant. MQ & Jule - Herms - Castles here at 6 pm - pleasant evening.

1979 - Easter Sunday - 37° at 6:30 - Raining - light rain most of day. Few chores before 9:30 Mass. Eileen and Mary here at noon and we all went to MQ & Jule's for dinner at 1:30. Good day. Mary & Eileen left at six o'clock for home. Eileen brought us loads of bread and the Bonwit traveling & cosmetic cases and blue (navy) & white housecoat. Bonwit closing Westchester & N.Y. stores.

1980 - Friday - 57° at 6 AM - Clearing - rain and wind during night - 1 inch. Watched 4 white domestics climb [[?]] I went to Dr. Yanity - replaced filling in front tooth - nothing else. Shopped groceries and liquor - Haircut at 11:30. Wes had taken down big hemlock at entrance - carted away all debris and took out root in afternoon. I planted Ricky's cabbage & broccoli in big garden.

1981 - Wednesday - 34° at 5:45 - Fair & cold. 5 Mallards for corn - just fit at the tray. To Atchley at 9:15 - stop at bank - Wes' appointment 10:45 with Dr. Baer - no long wait for once. Lunch at Ichabod's Inn, Hawthorne - stopped at Bogus - there was the big bulldozer just finished - started at 8 AM - buried stump and large rocks - ledge only in one place. Home to wet lawns. I transplanted yarrow and daisys - cultivated perennial garden. Wes had perfect report from Dr. Baer.

1982 - Thursday - 28° at 6 AM - Fair Ice on bird baths. Beautiful day - high 58° - good working day. To Mass. We fixed handle of my little shovel - cut down 4 trees over bank. I cut up brush and threw it further down bank. Put 6 Broccoli plants in outdoor gardens. Planted tomato, pepper and some flower seeds. Took seeds from frig & planted them. Wes moved topsoil from road to proposed garden site Moved gravel left over from terrace to north walk.

April 16

1978 - Sunday - 40° at 7:15 AM (sun on thermometer) Beautiful clear morning - warmer than yesterday but still cold - Indoor work in morning - Wes finished another duck for the "Ponds" sign. I washed and ironed tablecloth and napkins. After lunch we spread fertilizer for veg garden and half of compost. Worked peat moss in around asparagus and half of daylilies at veg garden fence.

1979 - Easter Monday - 40° at 6 AM - Foggy - cloudy - light rain mid morning - constant ice in afternoon. Caught 3 squirrels - Nos 34 - 35 - 36. I worked at Ballard Greenhouse in morning - Wes started realigning [[? infall]] (upstream) of front dam.
Hobbied in afternoon. Had gone to 7:30 Mass

1980 - Wednesday - 39° at 6 AM. Cloudy - Some light rain during day. Cold and windy - temperature dropping in evening.
Workshop on "Living Joy Wreath" here in breezeway. Louise McKeon - Joan Menot - Anne Tracy - Edith Meffley, Sandy Cowan - Ricky & I demonstrated. Covered cabbage & broccoli against cold & expected frost. Jule here for dinner. Wes worked in shop. Ordered 2 Arborvitae for tomorrow.

1981 - Thursday - 24° at 6 AM - Fair. Six Mallards. To Dr Yanity at 10:15 - both of us had teeth cleaned & no cavities. I worked at Ballard Garden with Nancy McDaniel and Carol Stoddard who brought their children for a picnic. Wes came over after his dental appointment. After lunch we went to Bogus to dig hole for Eileen's Japanese Maple - hope to move that up tomorrow.
Cooked lamb chops on grill. To 8 pm Mass and Holy Sunday services.

1982 - Friday - 34° at 5:30. sunny beautiful breezy day. Wes sharpened the saw and cut down 5 trees over bank. I trimmed and threw brush over cliff. Moved more topsoil from road pile to new garden - first putting railroad ties at back to hold dirt. Watered lettuce, broccoli, etc. - growing well outside. John Abbie phoned - will come next Friday. Eileen phoned she received bonus today and raise yesterday for her good work. To Ruth Sharp's at 6 pm for her 90th Birthday party.