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April 21

1978 - Friday - 45˚ at 6:15 - Clearing. Wes fed 2 male Mallards at breakfast time. Shot at a muskrat but missed. Wes worked all day on evergreen nursery. Transplanting 2 trees and extending the area. Piece of the brush scratched his eye. Also transplanted one wild crab. I shopped in Bethel - Agway - groceries & cheese. Transplanted more seedlings in cellar. Worked outdoors only a short while as my cold bad. Killed a mouse at front light.

1979 - Saturday - 26˚ at 5:30. Beautiful morning. Wes chased pair Canada Geese before breakfast - set out squirrel traps - didn't catch any. Hobbied for an hour. I worked at Ballard Garden, then shopped Gran Central (double manufacturer coupons) and Stop & Shop. Wes had tried to start Jacobsen - no luck. Brought soil into new shed. After lunch Wes rototilled veg garden. I started 3 rhubarb, fed blueberries along road. I cut grass across little bridge and at back of barn.

1980 - Monday - 48˚ at 5:50 - Fair - beautiful day High 70˚ - nice breeze - cooler at late afternoon.
Wes rototilled garden - put up wire fence for peas - added lime - peat and compost. Planted peas - lettuce - spinach - carrots and beets in west bed of garden. Lunch on terrace.

1981 - Tuesday - 27˚ at 6 AM. Fair, very cool day fresh breeze. To Mass. Shop hour. I worked at Ballard Garden with Carol Stoddard & Nancy McDaniel after shopping for liquor and Brunetti's. Wes had rehung "Ponds" sign - started setting up pond pump - finished that after lunch - pressure held.
I repotted ferns - big job. To Bogus at 4:30 - men just finishing pouring foundation walls - watered the herb pots. Howard Castle came by - asked him about underground wiring

1982 - Wednesday - 50˚ at 6 AM - cloudy - went thru [[nice?]] shower enroute Atchley where Wes had 10 o'clock appointment with Dr. Baer - blood pressure good - very little rain here. Made other doctor date for April 30th. Lunch at Sassafras and bought wildflowers at Nobles]] - home to plant them. Pat Hairland brought us back hoe to dig trench for water line. Bob Allen had come on Tuesday re pump and connections

April 22

1978 - Saturday - 40˚ at 6 AM. To 7:30 Mass. Worked outdoors - I finished cultivating along fence front line - Wes worked on nursery - filled huge muskrat hole below juniper on pond bank - cut old log ends from pond banks. I transplanted leeks into veg garden - put more peat moss & cultivated perennial garden (very wet) trimmed out two white pine near sheds and cut up branches. Cocktail on breezeway -lovely day - Wes shot a muskrat at cocktail time.

1979 - Sunday - 34˚ at 6 AM - Mostly sunny - lovely day - quite breezy - top of ground dry. Going to eleven o'clock Mass so hobbies beforehand - After lunch & nap, watered lettuce and spinach - peas appearing. Wes moved a load of soil to new shed and took oak leaves to blueberry bushes. I fed blueberry bushes at retirement garden, cleaned edge of front pond - turned up turtle and crayfish. Caught #38 squirrel. To Alex & Helen's at 7 o'clock for champagne dinner.

1980 - Tuesday - 34˚ at 6 AM. Very light frost - Beautiful day. Wes raised daylilies to right of veg garden fence.
Horticulture Meeting of Garden Club. Took Joy Wreath to Miss Hull and entries at 11:30 - to Le Chateau to meet Robert Hibb of Cary Arboretum - Joan Minot and Lil Durkee joined for luncheon. Mr. Hibb showed slides and talked on Soviet - People - Places - Plants - excellent program. Picked up Wes at 5 pm and had a drink at Ruth Sharp's.

1981 - Wednesday  - 25˚ at 6 AM - Wes hopes the pond pub didn't freeze - it was okay. Fair cold morning - a little warmer in afternoon. I had 11 o'clock appointment with Dr. Williamson - okay - she is retiring July 1st. Lunch at Ichabod's Hawthorne - Stopped at Bogus enroute home - more walls found and crawlspace floor under livingroom : Big bulldozer had been taken away with difficulty 
Watered peas and lettuce. Spread compost on flower bed at veg garden.

1982 - Thursday - 38˚ at 6 AM - Sunny - breezy cool day. Needed fire in evening. I joined Ladies Golf Association - organizational meeting. Pat Hairland and helper dug ditch for pump water line. A big mess - knocked over Wes' two dogwood trees - couldn't get down 3 feet in 2 spots around ledge. Al and Jeanne Timpanelli took 2 birch saplings - gave them tomatoes and geraniums. Watered transplants. Moved primula from south big rock to woodland garden and put 4 of the indoor plants there. 
Basics for groceries.