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May 1

1978 - Monday - 34˚ at 6 AM - Clear - cold and very high wind - uncomfortable to work outdoors
Men had put reprop in dam - came to patch break in cement edge - delivered two more loads of topsoil - one to stockpile. Wes spread soil. I went to Greenhouse at 9:30 - worked with Helen in outdoor garden - remained for meeting of Staging Committee - home at 2 pm - watered all transplants - very dry ground. Lettuce coming up.

1979 - Tuesday - 47˚ at 6 AM - Clear, breezy and beautiful day. Worked in shop for hour (Wes). Got word Honda is in. To Brewster to clear out Country Trust savings account - shopped at Moreau's to leave articles for Church sale - Chestnut Hill Road - met road crew - delayed - bank closed when reached there - bought wire for pea fence - installed that - cultivated veg garden - spread salthay [[salt hay]] on balance of strawberries - Cut half of front lawn.

1980 - Thursday - 51˚ at 5:45 - Cloudy - cleared in afternoon. To Mass. I cleaned breezeway glass. Wes finished chopping up soil where big hemlock was at lamp post - took out a lot of roots and stones.
I cut front lawn, below barn and in back of house - raking up long clippings. Wes replaced stones at barn path, bringing soil to level there. Cut brush at raspberry location - hope for fill delivery tomorrow.

1981 - Friday - beautiful day. Reinwalds here. Wes & Mike went to True Tool Shop - at 11 o'clock we drove to Washington Depot- had lunch at The Pantry - very good - then to White Flower Farm - Bet bought plants - home to dig daisies, lavender, Achillea, pacysandra [[pachysandra]] potentilla for Bet.

1982 - Saturday - 48˚ at 5:30 Fair beautiful day. Saw Pheasant - Evening Grosbeaks and Wood Ducks on pond. Wes cleaned shop and kitchen & den while I shopped Basics. Left at 10:30 for Oliver Nursery - went over plants they will put in - returned via Bethel where had lunch. Had driven to Fairfield via Wilton. Home to plant the wildflowers we bought and move bleeding hearts from perennial garden to wood knoll. To Mill Plains Driving Range for practice.

May 2

1978 - Tuesday - 30˚ at 6 AM - Clear - cold night. Not as much wind today - a little warmer.
Wes raked area at new dam - looks good. Transplanted all seedlings under cellar lights - put little plants outdoors. To Ridgefield - picked up copies letters on my rings from Crehon's office - sent them to Judy [[Robwoertz?]] - left purse and costume jewelry at Val Casey's for Garden Preservation Trust Fleamarket [[Flea Market]] - bought material for cardtable [[card table]] cover - home for lunch - edged pacysandra [[pachysandra]] around pinoaks [[pin oak]]- watered new grass.

1979 - Wednesday - 30˚ at 6 AM - Frost - a beautiful day - high to 70˚ - but mostly 65 and cool. Sprayed white birch and hemlocks and dogwoods - big sprayer worked very well. Wes to Brewster ([[?]]) to arrange closeout of savings accounts - then to Union Trust for certified check for car pickup Friday. I cut across little bridge and below house. Put aluminum sulphate on potato rows and dug it in. Planted more onions. Wes finished moving topsoil to melon patch.

1980 - Friday - 52˚ at 7 AM. Slept late. I went to Bethel for corn, seed potatoes & fertilizer at Agway. Made copies of map to Jule's apartment in Poughkeepsie which Wes had drawn. Wes finished clearing brush behind blueberries for fill delivery which came at 4:30 - 30 yards sandy earth. I planted baby lettuce - repotted Bugleberry begonia and spider plant. Cut grass across little bridge.

1981 - Saturday - Light misty rain off and on. Bet & Mike here - They went to Tool Shed Herb Nursery and for gasoline & oil early. Eileen here at 11:30 - We had a nice day despite weather. Eileen brought Buttons naturally, and box of family pictures which Bet will take home. Wes cooked good steaks

1982 - Sunday - 46˚ at 6 AM. Fair, warm, breezy day - lots of black bugs - have to cover up. To 8 o'clock Mass - voted for Parish Council.
Wes worked on well line - I moved topsoil to back of garden - gravel to top of wall garden - after weeding it. Cut grass. Planted balance of W77 order. Put pots of tomatoes out in sun - couple tomatoes forming. No more suet - woodpeckers looking for it. 

Transcription Notes:
"reprop" - might she have meant "rebar", those metal bars used for support in concrete and masonry structures to strengthen etc... "Woertz" is a last name, but couldn't find a last name of Robwoertz. I searched for "Robmoertz", "Robwoertg" and "Robmoertg", not finding anything. At least, I saw "Woertz" was a last name.