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May 7

1978 - Sunday - 40° at 6:15. Foggy morning, became partly cloudy - Some sun late afternoon. Eileen left for Paris 730 pm TWA #800. 

To Ridgefield for Historic District Walking Tour Main Street - walked less than half as I was cold & hungry. To Young's of Wilton bought three each Wilton Juniper and Tom Thumb Cotoneaster. Planted them off wall front of livingroom window. Pair Mallards for corn.
Dinner on breezeway - first time.

1979 - Monday - 37º at 5 AM - Clear - Beautiful day - warm in afternoon - high 75º. To 7:30 Mass. Pair Mallards around night & morning - she very nervous - won't come up for corn. Male Rose breasted Grosbeak on feeder.
I worked at greenhouse in morning - did a little grocery shopping afterwards. Wes finished taking sod from in front on terrace steps - put it by new wall at dam. I pruned juniper off breezeway - watered Transplants - put 4 replacement leeks in veg gardens.

1980 - Wednesday - 50˚ at 5:30 - Light rain in night. Left at 8:15 for Tarrytown - picked up Eileen - via Garden State Parkway - N.J. Turnpike - Penn Turnpike to Downington [[Downingtown]] - to Chadds Ford - thru Brandywine Museum - walked along river admiring wildflowers - Saw John Chadd House - not opened. To Dairy Queen for huge chocolate shake - to Longwood Inn - adjoining rooms 28 & 29. Dinner - bed.

1981 - Thursday - 38˚ at 6 AM - clear - breezy cool day. To Mass. Wes had a haircut - brought corn and 25 lbs sunflower seed. Dolly & Joe Whitman picked up porch chaise we are donating to St. Stephen's. Watered perennial garden and some grass seed. To Bogues after lunch - did more clearing of brush in hollow - one more day will finish it - looks good. Saw Oriole pair - Lots of pigeons unfortunately.

1982 - Friday - 52˚ at 6 AM - Cloudy - Saw hawk flashing - flying over lake.  Cleared to beautiful day. I went to Horticulture Meeting at Sandy Cowser's at 9:30 - for an hour. Stopping at Brunetti enroute home for tomorrow's meat. Wes had only one cup of coffee before 9 AM. Left at 11:30 for NYC - Babels Hospital - Squiero - Taken early for Xray of bladder system - out of parking lot in 2 hours - just - stopped at Red Coach Grill for late lunch - home at 5 pm - stopped Cross River market for strawberries.

May 8

1978 - Monday - 32˚ at 6 AM - clear beautiful morning. To 7:30 Mass. To Greenhouse 9:30 - 12:00 - Wes & Alex came at 11 o'clock to repair fence. The Ross's took us to lunch at Ancient Mariner. Painted livingroom and diningroom windowsills and shingles at grass terrace - spray painted dome bird feeder and most of veg garden fence. Cold and raining at 5 pm.

1979 - Tuesday - 43˚ at 5:50. Clear - warm day - high 82˚. Hobby hour in morning. Wes put pump in - started up but break in line under bank. After lunch dug it up to locate break. I watered and sprayed veg garden - picked baby spinach and lettuce for dinner. Pinchbeck delivered Arborvitae for new shed corner and other garden supplies. Planted Arborvitae. I cut grass over sheds - I had a haircut - bought striped cotton/poly dress at Talbots - ordered shoes and dress jacket.

1980 - Thursday - at Kennett Square - Longwood Inn - Light rain AM - cleared late afternoon.
To Winterthur - tram ride around gardens - toured Washington Wing and 16 rooms of Museum. Luncheon at Cafeteria. To Longwood - walked about gardens - saw new meadow/wild flower - thru Conservatory - House Exhibit - "Living with Plants" - vegetable and perennial display gardens - bought wind chime - back to Inn for dinner. Eileen with us.

1981 - Friday - 6:30 - Fair - All white tulips bent to ground - recovered later in day.
Mike Mannion came to consult on doors and hardware. Wes cut big lawn and below barn before lunch. After we worked at Bogus clearing brush - met Mike there to walk septic field - yellow violets and red trillium there - tall dogwood in bloom now won't be affected thank God - back hoe came in at 4:30. Wright sprayed for gypsy moth at 246 G.W.H.

1982 - Saturday - 42˚ at 7 AM - Cloudy all day - hoped for showers never came - Jimmy and wife here at 7:45 to make electric connection to well pump. Wes dug ditch for the electric line. I cut half of grass - south end - cleaned house - set table and got dinner ready for Loggershalls - here at 6 PM - their first visit to completed house. Did dishes and to bed at midnight. Light shower then.

[[note from digital volunteer]] G.W.H. - George Washington Highway [[/note from digital volunteer]].