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July 26

1978- Wednesday 56 at 7AM. Fair. No rain. Wes had upset stomach during night - felt better but tired during day. Deadheaded - fed plants. Wes picked up Joe Keller - cut west end - trimmed. Wes used weed eater. Trimmed juniper over pond, using boat. Moved dirt - filled holes front of and across little bridge. I worked in Memorial Garden - shopped - picked blueberries, cultivated veg garden.  
Saw little mallards near airport.

1979 - Thursday - 72° at 6AM - Hazy - more of same terrible weather - thunder around - few drops of rain at noon. Worked hard around garden - trimmed - cultivated - transplanted lettuce - broccoli - one cabbage - put mulch on paths in veg garden. Cultivated perennials - Wes weeded below and along back road. Pat here to clean - may move to Florida - sold house - Vic Grenier & [[???]] washed windows

1980 - Saturday - 55° at 6:15  Fair - warm.
Wes went to Wickes for Sakrete and made foundation for flagpole. Diane Judge picked up flowers for church.  Deadheaded. Pulled out peas. Picked strawberries, cucumbers, squash. Transplanted New Zealand spinach.  Watered vegetable garden. Wes cut balance of lawn.  
I made more zucchini soup. Wes cooked lambchops.
Lame white duck walking much better.

1981 - Sunday - 62° at 6AM. Cloudy - most of day - looked very much like rain but none here.  
To 8 o'clock Mass. Eileen came at 11 o'clock - we went to Bogus - Mike had put the coating (paint) on the upstairs ceiling - looks good. We discussed stain for floor and woodwork and the paneling in living room. Walked around "Ponds" - picked vegetables and blueberries

1982 - Monday - 68° at 6AM - Fair warm day dry wind. Golf 8-10:30 - slow - lots of players
Wes continued work on wall - I did the usual watering and deadheading - picked beans, cucumbers and zucchini.
Swim at Billies around 4 o'clock - came back to cut grass. We have been having dinner on the deck - lovely

July 27

1978 - Thursday - 66° at 6:15 - cloudy. 30 mallards.
Golf 8-10 (both 54) Deadheaded along road. To Bethel Cheese Shop for French Olive Oil - the market for bananas - Mullaneys for cards and file folder. After lunch cut grass - Wes picked blueberries - I potted challenge class chrysanthemums - staked daisies in perennial garden - picked beans and squash.

1979 - Friday - 68° at 5:30. Bad weather continues  28 mallards - Hot, humid day, but we did a lot of work getting place ready for tomorrow's tour - Wes lowered mowers and cut lawns - I trimmed and cut side terrace - deadheaded all daylilies - Wes skimmed pond - we had sprayed with copper sulphate - cleaned bird baths etc. Put black plastic under winter squash.

1980 - Sunday - 63° at 6:15. Cloudy - cleared to a beautiful day - dry wind.  To 8 o'clock Mass.
Worked at Ballard Garden - very poor condition so dry. Left vegetables at Harrisons. Lunch & nap. Watered pots - deadheaded - Wes pruned out mock orange. Took wire fence from Ghee bridge - those ducks haven't come in - area needs cleaning. Picked blueberries and beans & squash. Mama and 7 ate corn at cocktail time

1981 - Monday - 70° at 6:30 - No rain here but flooding in NYC and New Jersey - cleared to warm, dry day.
Deadheaded - picked vegetables - Lucienne Hartcorn came to tell us John very disappointed not to buy tractor - after lunch to three carpet stores - confusing to make selection 
Brought 2 samples to Bogus - didn't like color - Mike had put ceiling coating on first floor. Pulled muscle in my back - handicaps me. Packed 2 boxes - sconces in back hall & living room

1982 - Tuesday.  62° at 6AM - Fair - hot & humid.
To Mass. I played "Shotgun - Captain's Choice" with ladies 8:30-noon. My best shots this season.
Shopped Marcus before going home. Wes had shop time and worked on wall on north side.
Picked up Helen and went to Cathy Eason's for Garden Club meeting. Won first for Zucchini - second for Herbs and Sedum. Home at 5 pm.