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September 2

1978- Saturday- 49 degrees at 6:30- Beautiful day- warm in sun - high 70's. To Mass - Dorothy Stark there - said her test showed cancer. 
Prepared bed below driveway wall - moved hostas there - will plant daffodils later. 
Wes cut all grass in afternoon - I worked in veg garden - dug 3 potato plants - picked beans, strawberries, Lost another cucumber. To Tracy's for drink at 5 pm. Two checks arrived. 

1979 - Sunday - 54˚ at 6 AM - Foggy - was off and on sunny - warm and humid late afternoon
To 8 o'clock Mass. Left for Eileen's at 10 o'clock taking vegetables. Mary there. Had good visit and great dinner. Went to Alter's enroute home and bought a lot of bread - Eileen had given us some from Tarrytown bakery - She also gave us moisture indicator for plants 

1980 - Tuesday - 72˚ at 6:30. Put out last of corn. Pike and little family were first at tray. Very hot - temperature 90˚ - dry wind. Joe Keller here - last weekday as going back to school. Took off blueberry net. Used weed eater and it fell to pieces at end of work. Brought soil to patches on grass terrace (I had cut it) and seeded it. Trimmed and edged. Wes bought corn, bird seed & milk. We renewed 6 month note at Union Trust. 
Thunderstorm at 8 pm. (Picked blueberries.) 

1981 - Wednesday - Clear morning - clouds later but no rain - closing day so cleared out kitchen barn and cellar - Mike took lots of things to dump
Moved remaining articles to Bogus - cleaned kitchen bathroom - swept out cellar, garage and barn. 
Lunch at Marcus - a real reach to make the 3 pm closing at Pat Crehan's office. Paid off the 100,000 mortgage loan and interest to Freemans - paid Barry French and Crehan - received $86,000 - dinner at Rosy Tomorrows.

1982 - Thursday - 67˚ at 6:30. Cloudy. 
Reset electric clocks. Rain last night .98 in.
I shopped in Ridgefield - Brunetti - Grand Central - Bank - Film. Wes spread pure black mulch along roadside and on wood knoll. Transplanted variegated hosta to roadside tree - cut grass - brought up one fern and a couple rattlesnake plantain for wood knoll. To Hartcorns at 6:30 for dinner - the Rosses there. Thunderstorm while there.

September 3

1978 - Sunday - 58 degrees at 7 AM - Mostly sunny day.
8 ducks at breakfast time - Wes put out corn - they took off without eating. Green Heron fishing on banks.
To 9:30 Mass. Early lunch. I served as Hostess at Rectory Open House - 12:30/3:30. Watched a little of Pope John Paul's installation at noon. Wes worked
on Historic Preservation Trust survey. Deadheaded in perennial garden - coneflowers going

1979 - Labor Day - 70 degrees at 6 AM - Thunderstorm during night - .28 IN. 80 ducks at breakfast. Wes balanced books
I shortened sleeves on cotton shirt. Wes had hour in shop. I defrosted big freezer - found 2 packages of 1978 blueberries Looked over plants in perennial garden - will move some when Wes puts railroad ties in back  - [[?]] front. Alex & Helen drove us to Washington Ct - Alex had date with Pattersons - going to do portrait of Mother & daughters - took us to Hopkins. Drove Lake Waramaug for dinner - had cocktail in park. Lovely evening.

1980 - Wednesday - 60 degrees at 6:30 - Clear. 3/10 inch of rain
75 Mallards - more later. Golf 8:30/11AM - slow game - weather was great.
Started painting house - Wes did trim on East end of house - I did back of breezeway and east end of garage - glad to get job started
Hoffman serviced burner - Man said he had been here in 1963.

1981 - Thursday - Cloudy - Wanted to go to Mass but not organized enough -refrigerator in garage - no water in kitchen etc. Mike and we went over house room by room listing remaining work to be done. Wes picked up turntable and went to bank. I cleaned bathrooms. Mike spackled and painted. Major [Arthlnera?] delivered new TV - great picture. To Ruth Shay's at 5:30 - Mary Luke's home burglared last Saturday of silver and jewelry

1982 - Friday - 66 degrees at 6 AM. Clearing to a beautiful day - 4/10 inch rain in gauge.  
Cleaned house - set up table etc for dinner party. Polly and Mary came at 4:15 - Wes picked up Ada Franken (Polly took her home) Timpanelli's Rosses and Stoddards here about 5:30 - Cocktails on deck - good dinner of seafood salad - lamb - carrots beans and potatoes - peaches icecream & cookies. To bed at 12:30 after straightening up a bit.